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The Anti-Inflammatory Weight Loss Diet: Lose Weight with Every Bite

Dr. Susan

How does inflammation start?

Inflammation is a natural response to injury or infection. It causes redness, swelling, heat and pain in the affected area. Inflammation is usually short-lived and necessary for recovery but if it continues for too long it can lead to chronic inflammation which is linked to many serious health problems including cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

A lot of people believe that inflammation happens because of an injury or infection but actually the most common cause of inflammation is food! That's right! Many foods we eat actually cause damage inside our body by triggering an inflammatory response; they do this by increasing oxidative stress on your cells which leads to tissue damage and eventually cellular death (not good).

Symptoms of Inflammation

Inflammation is a normal response to infection, injury, or irritation. The signs of inflammation are redness, heat, swelling, pain and loss of function. Symptoms can be felt in joints like your knees and fingers as well as other parts of the body such as your intestines.

You may experience weight gain from chronic inflammation which means that it's important to find ways to reduce your levels of this condition if possible.

You may also experience bloat, gas and acid reflux from eating inflammatory foods. These symptoms can happen to everyone occasionally but it you are suffering with chronic gas and bloat on a daily or every meal occurrence you would be a candidate for inflammatory food testing. The taking of an antacid medication is frequently seen in individuals that have food intolerances and eating inflammatory foods. If you are experiencing any digestive symptoms, chronic inflammation caused by inflammatory foods should be evaluated.

Causes of Inflammation

Stress, diet and excess weight can all cause inflammation. Smoking, lack of exercise and environmental toxins are also known to play a role. You may have an allergy or chronic infection that's causing your body to react negatively.

Have you ever wondered why your sinuses get stuffed up when you're stressed? Or why one cold turns into a full-blown flu if you haven't been getting enough sleep? Inflammation is part of the answer. And it's not just in your head: A recent study found that people who scored high on measures of anxiety had higher levels of inflammatory markers in their saliva than those with low scores on these tests.

Foods that cause inflammation

The following foods are the biggest offenders when it comes to causing inflammation:

  • Processed foods, which contain additives and chemicals that can inflame your body.

  • Sugar and high fructose corn syrup, which are known to increase insulin resistance in the body. This is a sign of chronic inflammation.

  • Refined carbohydrates, such as white breads and pasta, can also lead to an inflammatory response if they are eaten too often or in excessive amounts. The same goes for any processed grain product (white rice, oats) that has been stripped of its fiber content through processing so that it no longer offers any nutritional benefits for your body to use. You should limit these types of carbs on this diet because they have been altered by industry into something that does not resemble their original state at all! You’ll find plenty more about this concept later on in this book when we talk about grains in more detail… but just know now: eating healthy means eating whole foods whenever possible (with some exceptions).

Infection that causes inflammation

You might be thinking, “What? Infection? How do I get an infection?” Here are some common sources of infections that cause inflammation:

  • Dental infection (molar decay)

  • Gastrointestinal infection (stomach flu)

  • Parasitic infection (intestinal yeast and worms)

  • Sinus infection (sinusitis)

  • Yeast infection (candidiasis)

  • Urinary tract infection

  • Bladder or kidney infections are common in women and can occur due to sexual activity with an infected partner. They can also be the result of an STD like Chlamydia or gonorrhea, which is why it's important to be tested if you have symptoms of a urinary tract issue like burning during urination or a frequent need to pee. Some people may just have chronic bladder infections without knowing why. In any case, antibiotics are needed for these bacterial infections so that your body doesn't become resistant to them!

Anti-Inflammatory Weight Loss Diet

The Anti-Inflammatory Weight Loss Diet is based on the idea that inflammation is at the root of most health problems. Inflammation can cause weight gain and obesity by increasing your appetite and altering how your body metabolizes food. It also makes it more difficult for you to burn fat and use energy efficiently, which leads to fatigue and cravings for unhealthy foods high in sugar or refined carbs that provide quick energy but ultimately lead to more weight gain.

To help you stay healthy while losing weight, follow these principles:

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables; they're full of antioxidants that fight free radicals—our cells' main enemies—and help prevent disease.

  • Consume healthy fats like olive oil or avocado instead of processed vegetable oils like corn oil because they support cellular repair mechanisms in your body (it's what allows us to heal from injury). In addition, avoid artificial sweeteners such as sucralose (Splenda), saccharin, aspartame (Equal) and neotame because they're linked with inflammation as well as heart disease risk factors like insulin resistance

  • Eat lean meats

  • Eat organic when you can

  • Avoid processed foods

  • Avoid sugar

  • Avoid processed oils

  • Avoid artificial sweeteners

  • Avoid dairy

  • Avoid gluten

  • Avoid nightshade vegetables

  • Avoid alcohol

  • Avoid coffee

  • Avoid red meat

  • Eat low starch, low glycemic index foods


In conclusion, we can see that there are many different types of foods that cause inflammation. These include processed meats, sugar-laden drinks, unhealthy fats such as trans fats and omega-6 fatty acids, alcoholic beverages or anything else containing alcohol (including beer and wine), refined carbohydrates like white flour or table salt; anything grown under artificial light in an indoor environment without exposure to sunlight or fresh air.

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